FOD010/ "Nina, Olen Pala Sina" / Book
FOD009/ "MOMENTS" / Book
FOD008/ "Toll Plaza Portraits" / Zine by Rich McIsaac
FOD000/ "No Trespassing" / Book by Rich McIsaac
FOD-01/ "META" / Book, Co-published with the ICA Philadelphia
FOD-02/ "Mostly True" / Book by Bill Daniel, Designed by Fodder + Other Means, Published by Microcosm








In the spirit of the DIY community, Fodder Press publishes limited edition artist books, zines, prints and other goods. Design and production is done in house using our RISO duplicator and laser printers. Books are assembled by hand. We favor uncompromised, raw artistic content by/for artists. If you are interested in working on a book, zine or an edition of prints, please reach out to us here.